


Long Pond
Originally uploaded by One Ping Only
I'm back from Maine. It was good, worth the sevenish hours of driving each way. I wonder what it says about us as a society that we need to go so far in order to just unplug and relax, but that's a topic for another day.

Some friends of mine are much better at traveling, though. Read up on Keath and Ceridwen's completion of their fifty-state goal and Guy's Mongol Rally, then tell me how adventurous I am. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. I have never been to Maine, but it is on my list of to-dos. My mother's family used to vacation there every summer when she was a kid and she tells such great stories about being there in the summer. It looks so beautiful and I agree that it is strange that to get a little peace and quiet - you have to travel.

    Have a great week.
