

what's going on

We've had a busy couple of days! I did really well at the flea market and sold a bunch of necklaces. The market is always an interesting get there around 6am and then just wait. and wait. and wait. Eventually the first customers come around and voila, sale after sale!

Tonight we're having a bbq for some of our local friends. I love hosting parties. I love getting the place clean and ready for guests. This afternoon we've spent some time preparing food. Our chocolate covered strawberries are ready for dessert, and our pasta salad is chilling in the fridge. It will be really nice to have a calm Thursday night surrounded by good friends. What's your favorite thing about entertaining?

This weekend we have a wedding for two of J's friends/coworkers. J's one of the groomdudes, so we're going to the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. I popped into Anthropologie this morning and I found an awesome dress which I think will be perfect for tomorrow. I can't seem to find it online anywhere, but take my word on it--C-U-T-E. And I finally get to wear this dress to the wedding!

We've been living in the new place for a little under 2 months, and we have done A LOT to this place. Last night we finally planted flowers in the beds on our balcony. Stay tuned for photos in the next post!


  1. That pictures of the chocolate strawberries made me lose my train of focus. Congrats on the flea market sales. That is very cool!

  2. LOVE that dress. Yes, pics of the new place, please!
