

It's (almost) the most wonderful time of the year...

Here's something you may not know about me. I LOVE Christmas. I love the music. I love the decorations. I love no matter how cold it is outside, the air seems to be filled with love.

The only problem? I'm Jewish. I know, I know. Something weird happened along the way. J is still trying to get used to all the twinkly lights and holiday decorations I put up in December. But seriously, how amazing are these blue and white stockings from plumcushion? I think they would be the right balance between for us....because, hey, it's hard to be a Jew on Xmas ;)


  1. I love these stockings too! I can see how it would be a bit difficult. Have a great weekend!

    Amy R.

  2. Jewish here too! LUCKILY I grew up celebrating Xmas!!!

  3. Remember little one when we made our own stockings
    out of blue felt!! I still have them if you want them! xo,
